Why do you really go to erotic massages?
This question was made many times, especially by those that think that it’s stupid to go to a massage when you can pay the same money (or less) and have full sex with a girl instead.
So what makes you chose an erotic massage?
1- Because you can have an erotic experience without being unfaithful?
2- Because you simply like massages with an erotic touch?
3- Because you feel more pampered with a masseuse than with a prostitute?
4- Because it excites you that the masseuse may provide something extra, out of mutual sympathy?
5- Because you like the spiritual side of some of the massages?
6- Other?
What makes you go to erotic massages?
On an average Massage girls are prettier than Privat girls.
What makes you go to erotic massages? – loneliness
Yes but he wants to know why massages when full sex is available at same price.
Sex is overrated
I was just answering that one last question
0) safer from the hygiene/health perspective (if not doing pussycat)
and also 1) + 2) + 3) and also 7) my GF sets the tolerance limits
1) + 2) + 3) + 4) + just like happy said, my gf also allows this without considering it cheating.
I haven’t tried privat, but I do feel like a lot of the „purity“ is lost when it’s just „paying for sex“. Not that paying for a handjob is something pure, but the idea that sex is not on the table and there are clear limits does seem to create a kind of almost magical feeling. It feels a bit like having an airport or vacation crush, where the scope in which you interact with the person is very limited, and thus allows for very different experience.
I do also think sex is overrated in that I’d 100% rather just cuddle in the shower for 30 mins and go home than have sex for 30 mins and go home. I feel like I really don’t even need the orgasm, I’m in it mainly for the erotic feeling.
It’s definitely more nuanced than that, but the ability to just have a deeply erotic experience with a random very beautiful girl you’ve never seen before seems much more unique than quick sex.
I agree! Totally with the last sentence.
Explore all types of women i like, getting more erotic experience for my romantic realtionship which Im happy with. My GF gives me some erotic/sexual boundaries, which i respect, but i like to break them sometimes on massages just for my pleasure.
If not doing pussycat, it is safe option. And could be also categorized as not full cheating
Thanks all for the replies.
I will, of course, also provide my reasons. To clarify why I don’t use prostitutes instead of masseuses is quite easy for me: I do not need to pay to have sex. I can have sex for free. Generally speaking, paid sex is sterile and empty of emotion or effort. I don’t understand those that say that Alpha men go to prostitutes and Beta men go to massages. I don’t understand why paying for a woman to have sex with you makes you an Alpha man!!…
Anyway, some of the reasons I’ve mentioned apply to me: I love to get massages and I even enjoy them more with an erotic touch. I really like to get a good massage and even when it’s body-to-body it can be a very pleasant/ healthy massage for the body.
I also feel that, when I pay for the massage, the masseuse has to make an effort to provide a service. To give a blowjob for 5 minutes and then open your legs is not exactly hard work. The masseuse has to have some knowledge and dedicate herself to your body.
I also appreciate when there is mutual sympathy between me and masseuse and she will not follow her own boundaries. It has happened a couple of times and it gives the feeling of a real interaction and not just a paid service. Even if it’s acting.
Overall massages is the type of service that I appreciate and that I’m happy to pay for.
Z uvedených důvodů rozhodně č. 3.
6a) logistika, zavedené masážní salóny mají jasný systém nabídky a objednání, které je mnohem jednodušší než u mnohdy pochybných privátů. Také si drží nějaký standard kvality a člověk se spíše nesplete.
6b) nemám moc rád kondomy.
Mega souhlasím, bordely mi přijde že maj bordel i v komunikaci (nikdy jsme nebyl a nechci). Kondomy jsou mi dost asexuální a nemám je obecně rád.
Sex is often overrated. Most times it’s the “small” stuff that leaves a bigger impression on me- cuddling, fingering, laying, showering, nursing on the perfect pair of B-cup tits, etc…
I pay for both massage and “full-service”, but a massage is far easier to work into one’s day. Full on sex revs up the mind, whereas a massage and a tug calms me.