Erotické masáže Praha

Luna – Rabbit Hall


after years reading the posts I decided to finally write some reviews as well.

I’m coming to Prague for work one week each month, and each time I book few massages and a couple of visits in privats.

Last month was the turn of Luna at Rabit hall, and I was really disappointed, so disappointed I decided to start writing a review to share this terrible experience.

About the salon nothing to say, it’s easy to book and the operators are always nice, I prefer the salon in Vinohradská because each room has the shower, but also the one in Prague 5 is not bad. The only thing to say about the Vinohradská branch is the speaker, they should fix it because it’s almost impossible to hear what the people say thanks to the noise of the street.

About the reservation, I booked 60 min B2B (body to body) via phone, usually the price is 2100 CZK but since I won the game on the website, the massage was discounted 20% so the price was around 1700 CZK, the choice ended up to Luna since my favourite RH girl was not available and there was no other girl available at the time I could go.

What can I say about the girl, a small blonde girl, not sure where she comes from, but definetely not Czech, nothing special in the face (also because there was no makeup) but very gifted, if you know what I mean :D, definetely I can say I had higher expectations from the pictures, but at the end she was ok, maybe a little bit fatter but still ok.

At first, it looked like she was a little bit bothered because of my English, she looked super tired and she was half sick (small note against RH, considering what we went through with covid, in my opinion they shouldn’t let sick girls to work, it’s the first time that happens to me with RH, but it’s fair to point it out), cherry on the cake she didn’t offer the shared shower so I went by myself waiting for her.

After 10 min I was still alone in the room, in fact I was even a little bit worried something happened, usually the girls are coming in a couple of minutes but this time it was not the case, Luna finally arrived after around 13 min I was there, she undressed very quickly and started massaging me from the feet.

Since she is quite small and I’m 1.90, it was difficult to see something in the mirrors plus she was slow to touch interesting areas, she focused a lot in the legs area, even if I ordered the B2B massage, she didn’t really slide on me but maybe it was actually good since she was not really shaved, and no kisses, no caresses nor sighs, basically there was no GFE vibes at all.

I understand we didn’t click, but I think she should be professional, at the end it’s still a paid service and some standard should be delivered no matter what.

After few minutes, she asked me to turn around and she was a bit suprised there was no so much action with my little friend, so she jumped on me and I tried to exploit her gifts, once I touched her breast, she started to complain immediately because it was sensitive, so I started to touch her ass but she complained again.

At that point I was sure the massage was going to be a disaster, so I started to be totally passive hoping in some miracle, even if there was not so much sexual tension and she looked even sad, my little friend was able to react, and I was hoping in the fake sex movements some of the RH girls are famous for but again nothing, she noticed my friend woke up, and immediately after she jumped out of me, she sat on a side and started the fastest hand job I’ve ever experienced, so accelerated that there was a moment I thought she would break my little friend, despite this, I was able to explode on her hand.

I checked the clock and it was just x:35, so I thought I had time for another round, a minute later she asked me to go the shower to clean and this time she joined me.

The saddest part was that she kept me in the shower for 10 min, prolonging on purpose to avoid the second round, and when we went out she told me the massage was over, so let’s recap:

  • 60 min massage booked
  • 13 min waited in the room before she came back
  • explosion at x:35
  • 10 min in the shower

basically the total massage time was around 20 minutes!

At that point, I didn’t want to fight because of the stolen time, so I got dressed and I prepared the money, I told her I had the discount from the game, and then she asked me explicetely for a tip, at that point I couldn’t keep it and I told her she simply didn’t deserve any tips from me and that she could consider the missing time her tip.

I go to RH at least once per month, and I’ve been doing for more than one year with no issues at all, but the Luna experience was a total disaster.,luna-rabbit-hall-774-910-918-774910918


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26 března, 2023 16:55

shiiit, thats so bad on so many levels… shame!

26 března, 2023 22:59

Remember her being one of the best masseuses in the city. I talked to her about literature etc…

27 března, 2023 19:46
Reply to  travelfucker

I don´t think that Nightrider needs to go to massages more often, he just remembers Luna from the past (the girl has some history you know and you probably visited her at her lowest point) and she used to be very good, cute and lovely like a year ago, but now it seems she is very sad and tired and fed up with massages.

28 března, 2023 07:34
Reply to  Sktr

Interestingly, she is not fed up taking money for them 😆 Inexcusable.

30 března, 2023 20:19
Reply to  travelfucker

I presume that she is burned out and she should stop.
I am not defending her, I just want to stress that she used to be very good.
I noticed, that most of the girls change after some time. This job can definitely spoil the soul of a vulnerable girl. One dick after another, no emotions, just money….

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