
Empathy or professionalism: what is more important when repeating a massage?

When you repeat a massage with the same masseuse, what are the most important factors behind that decision:

  • You go there again because there was a very strong mutual empathy even if the massage itself was not great.
  • Or because you got a very professional massage, that met all your expectations, even if it was just a professional performance?

Ideally, having both aspects is what we are looking for as customers but, when the full package is not there, what do you prioritize?

Or, to make it more simple, what makes you repeat a massage with the same masseuse?


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28 srpna, 2024 23:13
Reply to  Grafzeus

I think you’ve perfectly answered your question ;-D

1 září, 2024 15:06

To be honest for me there is no reason for empathy and professionalism to not go hand in hand. My experience is it usually goes either both are there or lack of both. In rare occasions when there would be onky cold professionalism and no empathy or vice versa I would rather choose empathy.

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