Luna – Fantazie Massage
So I decided to visit Luna in Fantazie. I noticed Luna when she worked at RH but once i came back from vacation she wasn’t working anymore in RH, so after a year I found her!
There were some people at the bus stop but i didn’t pay attention to them, I ring the bell and I am immediately let in. Luna opens the door and she has a pretty face, the kind of face of Eastern European. She is around my height, some small tattoos on her body, she might do a bigger one any time soon.
When I follow her to the last room, I notice a her figure. Pleasant music is playing in the room at a reasonable volume. Luna is in a good mood and we agree to have body to body as I don’t take pussycat after a bad experience, any good suggestion guys? She also offers me other extras. I would gladly take a kiss, but not for 700 CZK, so I refuse.
I pay her, she had forgotten the discount for the happy hours but I reminded to her. She sends me to the shower and I immediately ask her if she’s coming. She says yes. It’s a shame that the girls at Fantazie don’t even ask about the shared shower. I like that I can wash myself a little first and Luna comes over soon and joins me with a smile. I notice that her body is quite full, her belly is a bit bigger, her hips are bigger and also the breasts but I don’t have a problem with them. I like to have my hands full. During the shower, she thoroughly washes me and I mentioned that I wanted to visit her during her employment to RH.
I lie down on my stomach and the first thing I notice is the mirror, I would have nice view of Lunas‘ ass. Luna is a little bigger than me, so she’s worried about pushing me too much, but I assure her that it’s fine. That’s exactly what I expect. She starts with a pleasant and meaningful full body massage, legs, hands, back. She didn’t slide with her body to my body, what kind of body to body is this? I was expecting to feel her breasts sliding to my body.
A turn at the appropriate time, around 25 minutes . She sits with her back to me to oil my legs, but I immediately lift up a little to kiss her breasts. Luna just smiles and kinda enjoyed the initiative.
After oiling my body, Luna starts sliding a little on me. I was also hoping for a breast massage , but that didn’t happen, unused opportunity. Luna then lies down on her side, so that I have her breasts next to my face. Of course, I make good use of it, licking her nipples and exploring her body with my hands all over her body, calves, breasts and ass.
After a while I exploded while she had one hand to my penis, stroking it hard and the other to my chest while i was holding her ass with one hand and the other her breast.
What bothered me a bit about Luna overall, though, was that there was a bit of a sense of routine in the air.
Unfortunately, we are running out of time, so we have to skip the relaxation „after“. We go to the shower, where we cuddle a little more, wash ourselves and chat. Luna comes from Russia, but has been in the Czech Republic for a long time and I mention that I will write a 5 star review, she smiles and thanks me.
It wasn’t exactly a top massage, there were more B2B positions missing (with her proportions it’s a real shame). Well, it definitely served its purpose. Luna is a relaxed and very nice girl. I will repeat it.
- Name (type) of massage: body to body
- Length of massage: 60 minutes
- Price for massage: 1900czk ( happy hour 1700)
- Link to her profile: admin edit: Luna – Fantazie
Rating 🙂(great, satisfaction) Time kept.
I have never been to Luna at RH but I am sure she was not 176 cm tall as your Luna at Fantazie. I am afraid you attended another Luna 😅
Děkuji pane freeps25, popis fyzického vzhledu je pro mě velmi užitečný. Jen jsem zvědavý. Zmínila se, proč se přestěhovala z RH do Fantazie? Zdá se, že je to pokles. Mnoho dívek chce pracovat v RH.
RH has too many girls. They may get lots of clients but girls might not get frequent work. It’s like working for big corporate vs startup, your earning potential and career growth rate is higher at a startup.
I agree. One should be suspicious of a restaurant with an endless menu. Same goes for massage parlors. Less is more. Candy Shop is (also) starting to exceed their limit, in my humble opinion.
si naivny. okrem povasti, ktora vedie ku stalej klientele, tak v RH nie je pracovne prostredie, v ktorom by chceli pracovat. je to peniaze vs psychika. v RH ostavaju tie, ktore chcu rychle prachy. ale tak to tam aj vyzera – klienti sa striedaju ako na beziacom pase a tak sa k nim aj maserky chovaju. prave na takychto miestach maju o nieco vias slobody. ale paralelne, tym, ze to nema to svoje meno, tak aj zarobky a pocet klientov maju ovela mensie.
I agree with freedom part but being a big fish in small pond pays better than being a small fish in big pond. Not that I am saying Luna is a big fish but I would take every opportunity to work in a startup early in my career than established big Corp. It just offers more attention.
What a strange deja vu am I having at this ungodly morning hour. 😵💫 You mentioned that you will „write“ a 5 star review? Oh really? By copying most of it from my review and translating it into English? Luna is cool, but you are a lazy jackass!
Pro ty, co nerozumí dobře anglicky, tak obšírnější překlad recenze naleznete zde:
protože autor zkopíroval velkou část textu z mé recenze. 😆 hňup
Oh well, tak tohle se hodně nepovedlo! Jedním slovem ubožák co ani nevymyslí jedinou větu sám. A jenom easy Ctrl + C a Ctrl + V jak basic! Bro, tohle tu vidim po dlouhý době! Nojó, asi pán úplně neni spisovatel a detailista jak Ty a já 😂😂😂
Porovnávat to nebudu, ale zarazilo mě už při čtení recenze, že je napsaná, jako když Čech píše anglicky, říkal jsem si proč proboha. No tak teď už to vím 😆
Bravo, že někdo to tu hlídá ve dne v noci. Autor měl smůlu že okopíroval zrovna váš text. Autorův nejdelší text. Doposud střídal krátké recenze a úvahy jak v českém tak i v anglickém jazyce. Díky za všímavost která mě pobavila a na rozdíl od Filipa říkám,tak tohle se povedlo!
Tak na vlastní recenzi, i když přeoblečenou do angličtiny, by sis po dvou měsících pamatoval asi i ty. Poslední noc jsem vůbec nespal (a ne, nefetuji), takže jsem „koukal internety“. Nejprve jsem si myslel, že mi hrabe. Tedy podíval jsem se jen na finální hodnocení na konci recenze a říkám si, že někdo má naprosto stejný názor na Lunu jako já, ale že na 100%. 😀 Podívám se výše, dokonce i on cítil jistou rutinu, to bude spřízněná duše. 😀 Teprve když jsem četl o sprše, tak mi to došlo. Kdyby autor bral pussycat, tak to asi okopíruje celé. 😀 Na jedné straně mi to přijde úsměvné, jak si mohl myslet, že mu to projde a na druhé straně si tento trapný tah koleduje o ban.
Treba usoudil, ze lepe by to proste popsat nedokazal 😂
Admin should delete this report and ban the author. But what’s the financial motivation to do something like this? What does he gain? It’s strange.
FInancial gain? Winning the lottery of free massage every month?
That is the funny part. There is no gain, since he added the wrong link, because I guess that was too hard to copy. 😂 And if that was not his goal, then really what is the point? Keeping his promise to Luna? At least, he definitely managed to increase the traffic at her review.
PS At least he wasn´t totally lazy and avoided using AI.