
Why is the massage market so bad nowadays

Now, hear me out before jumping into conclusions. I have regular contacts with some veteran clients of the massage market in Prague (10+ years regular customers). We overwhelmingly agree that we have never seen the erotic massage market as bad as it is today.

Most of us were used to visit either freelance solo masseuses or girls, in groups of 2 or 3, that were sharing a space as a sort of mini-salon. What you would usually get would be a good, proper massage and a service that would rely a lot on mutual sympathy. That was part of the charm. After some time it would be like visiting a neighbor or a lover (not meaning that sex was involved)

Some of these masseuses are still working today but they are aging and permanently booked by regular customers.

There are no new talents coming into the market, replacing the previous generation. We tend to put the blame on what we call the „erotic massages fast food salons“ that are so often discussed in this forum. They scoop all the girls by providing an easier and safer settling into the erotic services industry.

While these „fast food salons“ enjoy great popularity with customers (due to a diversified offer and decent customer support), they also demotivate clients to explore other type of erotic massage offers in the market (that are, eventually, less predictable and more risky). Therefore, ladies also feel less tempted to try their own freelancing activities.

Now, from a personal perspective, I don’t doubt that the „fast food salons“ offer a pleasant experience. But I was never a big fan of heavy industrialized services and certainly would not appreciate to kiss a mouth or perform oral in a girl that does it, at least, several times a day. Personal preferences.

So I welcome your opinions about the erotic massages market, particularly from those that like to explore a diversified range of offers. Thank you

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14 ledna, 2025 22:49

lazy – you can share ai modify pictures/videos on web like onlyfans/fansly and earn more for nothing
sutpid guys supporting behaviour like this
and start of paid services like a pussycat, so they do not need to try. they just lay down, open legs and most of the stupid simps are in seventh heaven – they saw a pussy, and could touch

15 ledna, 2025 14:34
Reply to  user1902

Have you ever had a pussycat massage? Because that is not at all how it looks like. Pussycat part is there just to increase the excitement at the end (or sometimes during) of the massage and the masseuse still has to do her massage. Only if you ask her to just lay down, she will, because a good masseuse is there to please you. And yes, it is a bit easier job than usual erotic massage, but that is completely up to you. Sometimes I think they are really lucky to have such a job. Imagine coming to your employment, some female goes down to pleasure your lower part and you even get paid more than usual. 😀 For me pussycat creates a really nice feeling of mutual satisfaction at the end of our session, well sometimes. Female orgasm is one of the most beautiful thing, together with 10 labrador puppies running through the sunny spring garden. 😀

Last edited 1 měsíc před by Sktr
15 ledna, 2025 01:24

You can blame the freedom of movement in EU, rise in literacy, better wages for women, Internet and only-fans simp culture. All sex services markets are bound to suffer when country goes through a period of economic prosperity.

15 ledna, 2025 13:43
Reply to  Grafzeus

Svetaci forum people say that 10 years ago Prague was an adult Disneyland and you could get 10/10 stunner on a home delivery. Onlyfans was launched in 2016, became popular by 2018 and exploded on mainstream after 2020 covid lockdowns. Timeline matches with gradual decline in sex industry everywhere in the world.

17 ledna, 2025 22:51
Reply to  Grafzeus

They say exactly same for tapky people. I always take both sides with pinch of salt. I traveled to Prague for first time in 2015 and amazing 10/10 stunner was available as escort on now defunct sex dot cz. At the moment there are only uglies or scammers left on eurogirl website, privats sometimes produce a gem but it takes lot of trial and error.

15 ledna, 2025 04:38

Pane Grafzeusi, děkuji za váš názor, ale nesouhlasím. Všiml jsem si, že někteří lidé kritizují RH za „fast food“, „McDonald’s masážní místo“, „robotické“, „komercializované“, „tovární“ služby. Ale to není pravda a je to přílišné zobecnění. Je to jednoduše tak, že některé dívky v RH jsou robotické bez emocí, zatímco jiné dívky v RH jsou emocionální, osobité, erotické a vřelé. Ve skutečnosti chodím do RH nejen kvůli jejich velkému výběru, ale kvůli těm několika dívkám, které skutečně nabízejí úžasný a velmi osobní servis.

 Je pravda, že vedení Rabbithall nepožaduje od všech dívek takovou míru erotických služeb, jako jsou Candy Shops. Ale pro mě je to síla Rabbithallu. Proto je pro mladší dívky snazší začít s tímto typem práce. 

15 ledna, 2025 05:20
Reply to  Forest351

v com je to snazsi? ze dostanu presne nalinkovane noty – sprav toto, sprav toto, sprav toto, takto sa zatvar a posli domov a za dverami caka uz dalsi? ze ich trenuju fungovat v podobnom style, ako ludi pracujucich za pasom?
nie, normalny chlap netuzi po vysledku toho, co vznika v kralikarne. a z kralikarny sa zacalo sirit to delenie na nezmyslenych 40 roznych typov masazi a cpanie pussycat vsade a povazovanie ho za totalny level erotickej masaze a dalsich 200 priplatkov. a priplatky su zlo

15 ledna, 2025 12:00
Reply to  Forest351

Jo, kde jsou ty časy, kdy v RH pracovaly začínající mladé dívky  😢 
Byly roztomilé a zapálené, nečišela z nich rutina. Teď už RH “draftuje” jen profláknuté masérky z jiných salonů. Ty jsou sice většinou dobré, ale chybí tomu ta úpřímnost, je to jen velmi dobře zahrané divadlo.

15 ledna, 2025 11:42

You answered your own question – industrialization. The more people do something, the lesser the average quality of it, no matter the activity.

Another part of the story is that ~50 % masseuses in Prague nowadays are Ukrainians. Many of them still do massages here as a „rescue plan“. They don’t give an F about life in Prague, some of them literally dislike it here. They also tend to be very nationalistic, which among other things mean some of them would never ever consider a non-Ukrainian guy as a husband, which also translates into colder performances during massages. And the obvious language barrier also doesn’t help. I have yet to find one single Ukrainian masseuse who would be genuinely as friendly as the friendlier half of Czech girls. It literally came so far that if I read on this server a masseuse is from Ukraine, it is a pass from me.

15 ledna, 2025 13:51
Reply to  Matej28

All my best erotic massage experiences have been with Ukrainian girls. They also tend to be younger than Czech „girls“ and bolder. They are more likely to offer kissing and pussycat compared to local Czech girls. So maybe problem is with you.

15 ledna, 2025 14:44
Reply to  Matej28

Nationalist bullshit. I had the best massages with Ukrainian, but also with Czech and Asian masseuses. Some girls are great, some are bad, doesn´t matter where they were born.

15 ledna, 2025 19:42
Reply to  Sktr

Amen. I second that.

15 ledna, 2025 21:29
Reply to  Sktr

Might be problem with me, maybe I am not their type or something like that. But I am definitely NOT a nationalist as a person. And yeah, I also have great experience with Asian girls. I think I visited 4 different Asia-born Asian masseuses in my life and all 4 were right at the top (regarding friendliness) with the most friendly Czech girls. But regarding Ukrainians, they all either look at me as if they don’t care, or they smile nice but have no Czech/English skills. (Some of them only pretend that almost for sure.)

15 ledna, 2025 12:17

I don’t think you can just sum it up as being bad, it’s simply changing with the times and what we’re seeing is the new norm. I get where you’re coming from. I don’t much enjoy calling up a well established salon, picking a service of a list and then getting the exact same show I’ve seen time and time again. I like to look for the girls that work for themselves, where I can’t predict how far it will go. I like that they start with a bit of a distance instead of throwing themselves right at you. I like when I get them talking and have to show myself out way past the alloted time. And most importantly I like getting an experience that I know isn’t the same for everyone that comes through the door. Something as tame as groping her ass can still be pretty exciting when you know for a fact she isn’t letting you do that just because of the money.

As to why this is increasingly harder to find, I think it’s an inevitable combination of many things. First and foremost we still pay for it. Service is worse, prices are higher, nevertheless the clients are still showing up.

Next up, the living standard in this country has significantly improved since the 90s and 00s. Far more girls than before can simply move to a big city, get a dead-end office job for 40-50 thousand crowns a month and be quite content with the life that affords them.

Then you’ve got OF in the mix. For the absolute majority of women, this will not make more money than physical services, but they find it safer, they feel more in control and as long as it makes them at least some money, they are far less inclined to start doing any kind of physical sex work.

And last but not least I think any girl that decides to get into this nowadays is gonna go on the internet to look for what it entails and for opinions and information and what she finds is going to steer her towards working in a salon. I think it’s a safe bet to say most of them start because they want/need money fast and working in a handjob factory gets them exactly that. They’ll do it for a couple years at most, until underwear pics on instagram land them a boyfriend to live off of. An option that wasn’t there 10 years before.

These girls are attractive, they know exactly what they want and they’re willing to go pretty far to get it. With the aid of today’s social media it’s nigh on impossible that they wouldn’t find a meal ticket within a few years of putting themselves out there, so they end up just transiting through salons for a while with no need to make it a career. What’s left is either crazy, unattractive, too old or just too goddamn lazy to even try and make any kind of effort for a relationship, much less provide good service.

18 ledna, 2025 19:21
Reply to  Grafzeus

As you say, it’s not enough to live on, but enough of a supplementrary income to keep them from doing anything more.

18 ledna, 2025 20:52
Reply to  Tweedledumb

Averages are misleading and it’s generating income while they are sleeping. Also nobody is slave to one platform, girls are milking simps on every social media platform fansly, twitch, YouTube, Twitter etc etc.

Last edited 1 měsíc před by JonSnow
15 ledna, 2025 21:07

I have much less experience than you, my first massage was just over a year ago. Can you write more specifically what was better in the past?

15 ledna, 2025 21:42
Reply to  Lourb

I visited Prague as a tourist in 2015 and even back then 10/10 stunners were available in Privats, Escort sites had less scams. Didn’t try any massages that time but general availability of pretty girls in sex industry was much higher than now.

16 ledna, 2025 05:18
Reply to  JonSnow

To je něco, s čím 100% souhlasím. Kvalita fyzického vzhledu se za posledních deset let výrazně snížila. Všude bývala opravdu krásná dívka, dokonce i v Showparku. Nyní jsou průměrné dívky v průmyslu velmi ošklivé. Nejlepší holka, kterou na masáži najdu, je 7 z 10. Myslím, že je to kvůli německému zákonu z roku 2017 a stále více politikám EU, které kriminalizují mnoho aktivit sexuálního průmyslu a jakákoliv aktivita náboru nových dívek je podezřelá z obchodování se sexem.

16 ledna, 2025 11:17
Reply to  Forest351

Nope, law is usually useless and Germany has better quality as well quantity than Czechia. The biggest negative factor is rise of Onlyfans and „simps“.

18 ledna, 2025 09:32

Hey Grafzeus, I also agree service is worse then say 10 years ago but I think it is also deeper then just onlyfans. 10 years ago there was still older generation represented more prominently in salons. This was remarkable generation of women where back than a 10/10s were like todays 12/10. This was also why after fall of iron curtain happened then in 90s there were so many newly found pornstars and centerfolds.
That’s why this was a paradise back then. And not just here but all over western world. Just compare some old pornstars from 80s-90s. Its not just looks it´s also behavior. Body language, everything. And that generation albeit in late MILF category was still represented in society.
Now these changes and generation shift doesnt occur overnight so these changes go very slowly. But eventually you’ll get there which is happening about today.

In my opinion it’s not like today there are no beautiful and GFE able masseuses but it’s definitely smaller number. Also current feminism trends wont make it better anytime soon.

Regarding “mcdonaldisation” of the market well yes and no, as there were mcdonalds like Matahari, Angels or Climax 10 years ago too.

But there are changes to worse even in used to be great salons like Hanka massages with so many great women back then. Nowadays this salon is among the most expensive ones and only 2 masseuses do proper GFE. No change in lineup in year+. Oh well. Simping also not very helpful but that’s what you get in feminism-ridden society. A weak men -> simps. And overconfident women.

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