Why is the massage market so bad nowadays
Now, hear me out before jumping into conclusions. I have regular contacts with some veteran clients of the massage market in Prague (10+ years regular customers). We overwhelmingly agree that we have never seen the erotic massage market as bad as it is today.
Most of us were used to visit either freelance solo masseuses or girls, in groups of 2 or 3, that were sharing a space as a sort of mini-salon. What you would usually get would be a good, proper massage and a service that would rely a lot on mutual sympathy. That was part of the charm. After some time it would be like visiting a neighbor or a lover (not meaning that sex was involved)
Some of these masseuses are still working today but they are aging and permanently booked by regular customers.
There are no new talents coming into the market, replacing the previous generation. We tend to put the blame on what we call the „erotic massages fast food salons“ that are so often discussed in this forum. They scoop all the girls by providing an easier and safer settling into the erotic services industry.
While these „fast food salons“ enjoy great popularity with customers (due to a diversified offer and decent customer support), they also demotivate clients to explore other type of erotic massage offers in the market (that are, eventually, less predictable and more risky). Therefore, ladies also feel less tempted to try their own freelancing activities.
Now, from a personal perspective, I don’t doubt that the „fast food salons“ offer a pleasant experience. But I was never a big fan of heavy industrialized services and certainly would not appreciate to kiss a mouth or perform oral in a girl that does it, at least, several times a day. Personal preferences.
So I welcome your opinions about the erotic massages market, particularly from those that like to explore a diversified range of offers. Thank you
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You can blame the freedom of movement in EU, rise in literacy, better wages for women, Internet and only-fans simp culture. All sex services markets are bound to suffer when country goes through a period of economic prosperity.
Pane Grafzeusi, děkuji za váš názor, ale nesouhlasím. Všiml jsem si, že někteří lidé kritizují RH za „fast food“, „McDonald’s masážní místo“, „robotické“, „komercializované“, „tovární“ služby. Ale to není pravda a je to přílišné zobecnění. Je to jednoduše tak, že některé dívky v RH jsou robotické bez emocí, zatímco jiné dívky v RH jsou emocionální, osobité, erotické a vřelé. Ve skutečnosti chodím do RH nejen kvůli jejich velkému výběru, ale kvůli těm několika dívkám, které skutečně nabízejí úžasný a velmi osobní servis.
Je pravda, že vedení Rabbithall nepožaduje od všech dívek takovou míru erotických služeb, jako jsou Candy Shops. Ale pro mě je to síla Rabbithallu. Proto je pro mladší dívky snazší začít s tímto typem práce.
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