„Normální“ masérky poskytující extras dle sympatií
Zdar masážníci,
Ví někde o nějakých masérkách které inzerují normální masáže, ale dle sympatií dělají nějaké extras? Chápu že jestli takový máte tak se nechcete dělit, ale pokud máte třeba nějakou ke který už nechodíte, budu vděčnej.
Chodil jsem občas k Petře Blechový, ale ta to už rozpustila.
Probably the reason that you got no replies so far is because the market has nobody new to offer at this time.
Yes, I’m sure the occasional „normal“ masseuse will offer something extra to some guy that she likes. But he will not come here and share that.
If you exclude those, you are left with the very few masseuses (that already everybody knows of, since they have been in the market for so long) that are all over 50 years old.
Petra Blechova was an exception as she is a bit of a nymphomaniac but since she found a sugar daddy she has stopped providing any extras. Besides her, the market is empty or they transformed themselves in „tantra masseuses“ (you can become one in a 3 days course and still keep your „respectability“).
So, to finalize, there is no answer to your question because, at least in Prague, there is nothing new to share.
Thanks for the reply. Would you care to share the old ones that are over 50? I know Lenka from Prague 2, but none else
Uzaviram diskuzi, myslim ze neni dobre toto tema tu probirat verejne. Tyto veci se jiste za zavrenymi dvermi deji a asi by tam mely i zustat