Lola – Candy Shop (EN)
I was not going to type this review but recently I saw so many bad reviews about Lola and I also wanted to contribute.
I visited Candy Shop last week it is my favorite massage salon in Prague recently however I got disappointed for the first time. I choose Lola because of positive reviews (there was no negative review by the time I went to massage) and thought it should be fine as Candy Shop haven`t disappointed so far. Lola is a nice lady and first initial shower with her was really good as this is the specialty of Candy however things went really bad after the shower. She constantly kept checking the time during back massage and it was so mechanical that I didnt enjoy it at all. The fact that she was keeping her eye on the watch all the time felt like she wants to finish it as soon as possible. The back massage lasted unnecessarily long and I was so bored because of mechanical moves. When I turned on my back she told me that we have only 5 minutes for pussycat even though there was still around 20 minutes of time until the end lol. This was one of the most absurd things I ever heard in Candy. I don`t know if I also need to mention about general hygiene because obviously it was another minus point for me. I really like Candy Shop and most masseuses there because I have been to there a lot and to be honest I wasn`t expecting to get dissappointed like this.
60 mins B2B (2000 CZK) + Pussycat (500czk)
admin edit:,lola-candy-shop-massage-773-667-250-773667250
Shitstorm jménem „Lola“ zuří již třetím dnem a předpověď do budoucna bohužel nevěští nic dobrého… Měl jsem ji ve wishlistu.
Já taky …