Misa – Top Privat
Another bad review from last month, this time is the turn of Misa from Top privat.
I don’t know what happened lately to top privat, but the quality is drastically going down even if they increased the price.
The day I booked, there was not so much choice, Vanessa is always full, and then there are only MILFs, so my choice for that day was Misa.
About the privat, I usually book via SMS because the operators don’t speak so much english, so it’s easier the sms and they usually reply after few minutes, there is no way you can’t find the place since there are signs everywhere in the building
I go up and Misa and opened the door, I have to say there was no wow effect but nobody else was available so I decided to risk and check.
How can I describe Misa, she is small, long dark hair, probably her parents own a solarium but she has a very long nose and weird boobs, nice ass though not firm.
I took 1h classic for 1800 CZK, I paid and I was sent to have shower, I came back after few minutes in the room and after a couple of minutes she arrived, I started to undress her and touch her more or less everywhere, my little friend reacted pretty well, so she put a rubber on me and started to blow me, I don’t know if the rubber was simply too thick but basically I didn’t feel anything so I asked her to start.
She was a bit wet already, so I played a little bit with her pussy and then I started with missionary, she started to make some pain noises, so we switched a couple of positions, she on top, doggy and then I exploded.
In general I had the feeling she was particularly distant during the first round, even it started in a good way.
After I cleaned myself she started to ask me a lot of questions, what I do for a living, where I come from, if I’m married, if I have kids and I didn’t like it, I understand there is some time to fill, but personal questions in this context are not the best, once she realised I was bother by the questions she asked me why I chose her instead of other girls, and she started to be aggressive out of the blue.
At that point I started to have the feeling she wouldn’t allow me a second round, so I tried to create a bit the mood but she was clearly pissed (I still didn’t get 100% why), so she suggested to end our meeting 20 min before and to never book for her again.
It’s pointless to say she didn’t refund me anything (I paid for 60 min, but I was out after 45 and they have the 45 min price) and that I will never book for her, but WTF!
I mean, one of the reasons why there are these places is to have fun with no issues, but she actually shared the worst attitude you can get from a GFE!
I noticed she started to get bad rewiews lately, so I’m glad i’m not the only one complaining about it.
Co se s touhle holkou stalo nechapu. Pamatuji kdyz nastoupila do Alpinu a mrdali jsme x krat perfektne, prinesla si womanizer, kecali jsme supr mezi sexem. Ted neumi ani kourit a v hlave to ma nejake negativni. Vyhladovet at se srovna pokud to jeste vubec u holek lze.
I guess she burned out, it can happen, but she had several bad reviews, so I’m afraid it’s the new standard. It’s a pity, she is nothing special but in top there are not so many top girls anymore so she was a good compromise, at least on the paper.