Chloe – Nirvana
I booked a 90 minutes body-to-body massage with Chloe through WhatsApp. It was a smooth process and the operator was really helpful to find a time that suited.
Chloe was the one who opened the door to the salon, located in Šumavská. I think she just arrived at the salon as she was dressed in black boots, black pants and a cute shirt. She is very beautiful. I’m quite tall so our height difference was very noticeable, she is probably around 155cm ~, which is very lovely. She has incredible eyes that is just mesmerizing. She seemed a bit shy, but that was only very cute and endearing.
Chloe offered me water and then she took me to our room. The room was located furthest into the salon, and you have to go down some steps to get into it. Since it was so dark I was afraid I was going to miss a step. When you get into the room it’s quite big and very atmospheric. It’s quite clear that the one who decorated the room really has an eye for interior design. It suits the „Nirvana/Buddha“ theme very well. The room is very big and there are scented sticks and small lights, a fan is cooling down the room, which is probably needed as it’s quite warm in there generally. The shower is located in the room which is a huge plus.
Chloe asked if I wanted to take a joint shower, which I of course really wanted, seeing as she is absolutely and amazingly beautiful, but I declined as I like to be clean first. She left the room and said she will be back, and that I can lie down and wait on the mattress. The shower is really roomy which is good, as I’m quite tall and usually I have a problem knocking my elbows and back into everything in a shower, but here I fit with no problem.
I dried up and lied down on the huge mattress, I could easily fit twice on here. It felt like it was heated but maybe it was only in my head as the room is warm. The mattress felt clean and didn’t smell. I waited for Chloe on there and she came in after a few minutes.
She started the massage with her hair down, and very sensually. The hair got into my face a few times and she smelled very good, and it just made me more happy to be there. After a few minutes she tied her hair up and put some oil on me with a great touch. The oil is heated and it was extremely pleasant. She slid her body on my back very sensually, she is light as a feather and very acrobatic. I could feel her energy and it translated over to me. After some time of a very erotic massage I got to turn around. Her body is incredible, it’s clear that she takes very good care of her physique.
After she put oil on my front she started with the body-to-body massage, where I got to touch and see all of her. Her skin is velvety smooth and soft, yet firm on the right spots. Her breasts are perfect and should never be touched by a knife. She moved on me very erotically and sensually and it made me extremely excited. She had a very good grip and knew what she was doing, I had no problem reaching my happy place.
After the massage I got offered a joint shower again, which I accepted. She washed me very thoroughly which I love, as I don’t like to have oil all over my body.
When I dressed up I walked to the register where I talked with Chloe, she was in a towel. She offered me water again and I paid, left a little extra because she was so good and the salon was really nice.
I rate:
Chloe 5/5
Salon 5/5
Privacy 5/5
I will definitely come back to Nirvana and Chloe whenever I get back to Prague.
ač tato recenzevypadá podezřele a taky si myslím svoje 😀 osobně bych ten rating holce dal spíš 4/5 a tolik neglorifikoval .
Nicméně co se týče slečny tak tuto recenzi bych v globálu mohl verifikovat 🙂 a třeba ta plet u chloe je skutečně samet 🙂 za mne jedna z holek z Nirvany co stojí minimálně za zkoušku 🙂
mimochodem salon a diskretnost 5/5 v šumaské to si snad dělá ten člověk prdel 😀 neřikám že je to špatný a salon zejména ten 1 pokoj působí fakt pěkně ale k dokonalosti tomu rozhodně něco chybí k diskrétnosti někdo psal kdysi nediskrétní peklo dokonce /tak bych to nepopsal
4/5 taky když bych přimhouřil oči 😀 ale stejně je důležité osazenstvo
Taky mi ta recenze prisla podezdrela, tak jsem si to trosku proveril a je opravdova. Dokonce ji zahranicni kolega psal az z domova a to ze statu na zapad od nas. Bal jsem se vychodu ale neni tomu tak, takze VALID 😉
ja sem si říkal taky nicméně jak píši až na tu velkou glorifikaci bych i souhlasil s obsahem takže bych ani neřešil ( je možné že doma nemůže tolik vybírat tak nedokáže srovnat 😀 ) v zasadě Praha je v tomto celkem unikát doslechl jsem se že že poměrně zajímavá scéna je v Budapešti tak asi někdy zkusím na cestách 😀
It’s definitely real. We clearly have different taste in women.
Nevim k cemu doslo, ale po zadani Nirvana na Vinohradech,vylezly na me maserky pod plnymi ceskymi jmeny a vse pusobi jen jako normalni klasicky masaze..
Nějak tu Chloe na stránkách Nirvany nevidím. Je to tedy tak, že tam masíruje i někdo, kdo není uveden na webu salonu?
je to tak …masíruje i v nirvaně
Aha, díky 😉
candyshop..hmm, no nevim jejich slogan: Ušetřete díky rozumným cenám. 2800 Kc za 90 min. Osobne mne to moc rozumna cena neprijde.
S jistotou můžu říct, sám jsem byl s Chloe a je jedinečná, prsa má nejlepší ze všech holek na nirváně, postavu má nejlepší, je něžná a vášnivá a kdo píše, že tomu tak není, takže nebyl s Chloe! 5/5 třídy
Ty jo, asi ji budu muset někdy navštívit a poznat na vlastní kůži 🙂
Chloe je drobná, má hodně dlouhé vlasy, byl jsem se všemi holkami na nirváně a nejvíc se mi líbila Chloe.
A proc nam o tech holkach taky neco nenapises ? Nebo i o holkach z jinych salonu ? Ucel tehto stranek je podelit se o informace ve forme recenze, ne jen informace ziskavat 😉