Erotické masáže Praha

Natálie – Infinity Spa

I was in Prague for a work trip and decided to go for a few massages when I had time and opportunity. I hadn’t been in Prague for a long time, but I’ve been to quite a few massages in my time, but unfortunately not contributed to reviews on this site since when I was more active, I hadn’t discovered it yet.

My first visit was Natálie. I had originally booked a massage at Tantra Club, but when I confirmed my visit to them 3 hours before, they notified me that the girl is sick. So in all haste I wrote to Infinity about Natálie since I had her on my sights.

The address was at Koubkova and getting into Infinity was without any issues.

I met Natálie directly when I entered and my first impression of her was that she was very young and beautiful, but unfortunately she has made lips which does not appeal to me so that took her down a notch on my personal rating. We introduced each other and I got led to the room that is infront of the separate „shower room“. She asked if I wanted a shared shower, which I declined, because I had just landed in Prague and I wanted to freshen up alone.

The massage on the back was nothing extraordinary. Ordinary sliding from a oiled up woman. However she did show herself and her treasure up nicely for me in the mirror. It was appreciated and really hot, she has a really nice body.

When the turn occured that’s when the real action started. She divided a lot of attention of sliding on my dick which was something I can’t remember if I’ve experienced before. It was extremely hot. The only thing that could’ve improved that experience was if she had been recently shaved. She did scratch me quite a bit, which I ignored because the experience was great. I did notice how she got turned on by this and we got into some mutual satisfaction which she enjoyed.

After about an hour she finished me up. I went to the shower alone (my wish). We didn’t really have any meaningful conversations, as her English wasn’t the best. But it’s how I prefer it usually anyway so that was not a problem.

I paid 2500czk for an hour of Infinity Mix. In the future if I repeat, I’ll definetely add some extra services.

(great, satisfaction) rating. I would’ve given it higher if she didn’t scratch me up so much.

Natálie – Infinity Spa


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