Erotické masáže Praha

Karolina RabbitHall (English)

Order: I don’t usually plan and book in Advance. I am going to pretty girls on impulse and craving due to loneliness. So it’s difficult getting „right“ girl at right time in RabbitHall as they are generally booked fast. I got relatively lucky and found last spot on Sunday.

Location : Vinohrady branch

Appearance :

Photos are 100% accurate. I didn’t look at her age while booking otherwise I generally avoid very young girls, I prefer them close to my age so 26yo-31yo is my sweet spot. In other words, She is pretty, young and with absolutely gorgeous natural big boobies. Height, Age, Weight, hairstyles and hair color mentioned in website is accurate. Another first for me is meeting short haired girl, I prefer long haired beauties. However, She pulls it of short haircut very well and it suits her youth fine. Ass is luxuriously soft and with those boobs it’s hard to notice anything but I think no distracting tattoos, no ugly duck lips, no piercings. Really clean looking barbie doll. I categorize beautiful girls in two categories, A) hot girls and B) cute girls. She falls in cute and beautiful category.

Action : I could sense in her body language that she was overworked last few days. Shower together was a ritual cleaning, nothing spectacular like those in candy. We started kissing from shower to bed. Very positive thing that kisses are not reserved, they are more like a girlfriend. When she prepared bed then I said ladies first and started kissing her body from top to bottom. I think I didn’t spend too much time on pussy licking but she was starting to moan and body response was positive. I have spent last few years at the cold north research facility so usual room temperature is bit too warm for me so started sweating a bit. It was also a tiring day for me so I climbed besides her and started kissing, cuddling. She began slowly massaging and applying oil on those spectacular boobies. Few minutes of massage and I said it’s fine if we just do more kissing and cuddling. Then she lay besides me again, this time boobies close to my face and kisses continue simultaneously shaking Jon Snow Jr who had woken up. Few minutes of shaking and I came while her legs were wrapped around me. After that shower again together.

Massage type: Pussycat + Kissing extra

Length: 60 minutes

Price: 2600 + 1000

Rating : 🙂 Good, Satisfied.

Karolína – Rabbit Hall


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