Kristina – candy shop
Im a guest in this mystical city of Prague for a few days.
After a couple of beers i decided on visiting the candyshop. I messaged to see who was available at that time. I was given two options and decided on Kristina. The appointment was at 9pm and i had 5 minutes to arrive.
On arrival at the door, i looked for massage option button but couldnt see one. At the same time a man was going into the building and pointed out the large massage button.
On going into the building a female opened a door and guided me down to a bar area and offered me a drink. I accepted a beer.
Then a beautiful Goddess Kristina appeared beside me in tight fitting white dress. She has beautiful dark eyes. I kissed her on both cheeks and then hand and hand to the room. We both speak english.
The room has good ambience and the lighting is just right. She offers kissing and pussycat as extras. I only take pussycat but should of taken kissing as well. For the hour she asks what massage method i would like. I leave this up to her.
In an instant we are both naked face to face in the shower. A light wash takes place . I cant resist lowering down and tasting her perfect nipples and roll my tongue around them and enjoying as they both harder. She gives a little giggle. Then she turns around and presses her bum against my erect penis. Such a firm bubble butt.
To the futon the Goddess then comands me. First on my stomach. She lightly messages my legs, bum and back. Then uses her body on my back gliding in different directions. Lots of groaning. Ear licks. Im watching in the mirror with a grin.
Next she commands me to turn around on my back. She then mounts my torso and moves up my body grabbing my penis in her hand. Im watching this in the ceiling mirror and it looks like we are having sex. So erotic as she moves forward and back.
Next she kneels beside me with her ass and cute little pussy within hands reach. She continues playing with my penis while i gently stroke the outside of tight little pussy with light flickering of her clit.
Next she changes position and hovers her into 69 position. I slowly lick and tease her. She tastes so good.
Another position change where shes lies to my side with her leg opened . Here my tongue goes into overdrive on her inner and outer pussy lips . I dont last at this point and explode on her body.
She dances to the shower to clean off and comes back to the futon. I now gave her a back massage and she enjoyed this. I was hard again and massaging her bum which soft and peachy. I know what id love to do now with my penis but here we are.
We chatted about her tattoos. I told her to get a lilith inspired one. I asked her favourite love making position. Which is her lying flat on her belly taking it behind with hands gripped tightly and cowgirlgirl as well.
She mentioned getting a boob job in the future. I told her to never to this firmly. She checked the time and told me she was great at judging time. We chatted more and could sense her beautiful energy.
I finished my beer and we then showered again. She has such a beautiful innocent aura with little giggles at times. I payed and gave a small tip. 1800 and 500 pussycat with a small tip. She is a soul that i truly enjoyed.
admin edit: Kristina – Candy Shop Massage
Nevidím vaše celkové hodnocení. Je dobré nebo špatné? Dřív byla hezčí, ale pořád si nechávala dělat další tetování, další piercingy na obličeji, botox, obrovské umělé řasy a teď vypadá jako jiný člověk. Ale je moc hezká a mám ji moc ráda. Nechat si udělat silikonová prsa je pro každou holku ten nejhorší nápad.
The experience was excellant. Indeed she can be somewhat absentminded but this adds to a truly unique experience. Hopefully she listened carefully on any fake breast adjustment. I pointed out to her about the scars from surgery and loss of feelings with cutting of nerves and even losing her nipples. Her breasts are just perfect as i pointed out using my large hand. As for her tattoos, she explained in detail the stories behind each one to me. Tattoos are a form of trauma realise, so we can’t really judge , only give advice. I like large fake lashes and found her eyes so seductive. I saw the angel lilth in those bottomless eyes. She shares similar universal views on existence with me so our energies naturally merged. You have to lead her with time management as she is working on this. Im not in prague now but i would visit her again to explore together with her in a more detailed manner. Im still smiling . On a funny note, at the end she couldn’t find her dress in the room for a minute. She is an angel who will evolve to higher dementions.
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