Erotické masáže Praha

Lexy – Infinity Spa

Note: this review is on a visit I made in December to Infinity Spa. Still good to share I think.

I decided to celebrate the festive month of December with a visit to Infinity. Looking at the schedule Lexy caught my eye. Well shaped body and size 4 breasts. I contacted the operator for an appointment later that day, and Lexy was available in two hours.

After impatiently waiting it was time to head to the salon, where I was greeted by Lexy wearing nice and sexy black lingerie. She looked stunning, and I liked the hello, handshake and kiss on my cheek.

The meeting started with a shared shower, which gave ample time to observe and touch her nice body. Special attention to the boobs and ass offcourse ;-). During the shower we already started exploring and teasing.

Off to the bed for the massage, starting with the back. With her hands she teased my whole body and went in between my tighs to spice things up. While looking in the mirror I complemented her on her breasts and ass. She took that as the signal to oil up and press her breasts slowly but firm to my back, ending up at the back of my head. After a couple of times, I switched to my back so she could do the same with my front. She oiled up a bit more and started again. Teasing and holding at my friend while sliding further up touching my face with her breasts. In the meantime I enjoyed touching her body and ass. Every time she slit back down, her hands were exploring my tighs.

I asked to switch to position 69, which she did with some teasing. Funny how she turned herself and showing off her ass with a slap. This position allowed me to grab her boobs firmly while she stroke my friend. I asked her to slow down a bit as I wanted to lick her first. She positioned herself better and I started licking. Given the sounds she made and pressing her tigher onto my mouth, she must have liked it a lot. After a few minutes she reached climax and immediately focussed on my pleasure as well. While massaging her breasts I finished. She asked if she could try to finish me a second time as there still was time left to which I agreed. She switched position and maintained eye contact, which made me finish a second time. We ended with a kiss to do a joint shower and some chit chat.

Overall a great experience with Lexy and I definitely want to see her again in the future. I also like the salon. Nice lighting and good facilities in my opinion.

  Super, definitely will come back.

Infinity mix massage, 60 mins, 2400 czk.,lexy-infinity-spa-603-373-881-603373881



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17 ledna, 2024 13:30

Na tyhle recenzi mi neco nesedi 🙂 ,,She positioned herself better and I started licking.“ Neni tohle za priplatek +500 pussycat? Klidne at se k tomu vyjadri Linda 🙂

17 ledna, 2024 14:35
Reply to  S18Uni

Cena by seděla s příplatkem 500, ne?

17 ledna, 2024 15:32
Reply to  S18Uni

Teď jsem domasirovala a koukám, že je tu na mě dotaz. Infinity Mix je za 2200kc už asi od loňského března.2400kc by bylo za pussycat.

17 ledna, 2024 17:13
Reply to  Daniella

Tak teď jsem trošku mimo, jak jsi došla k té ceně 2400 Kč? Neměla by být cena 2200 za Mix po slevě + 500, tedy 2700? Jestli má být za Pussycat 2400 Kč, tak v tom máte trochu hokej… 😲
Ono 2400 by odpovídalo ceně za klasickou, která je za 1900 + 500 za Pussycat, ale holky většinou nabízejí Pussycat jen k Mixu… 🙄

Last edited 11 měsíců před by alex_murphy
17 ledna, 2024 18:00
Reply to  alex_murphy

Alexi, je to klasická masáž 1900+500 pussycat, Infinity mix je už pár měsíců ve slevě za 2200. Nevím jak to je, ale já jsem si už 2x v klidu přiobjednal pussycat ke klasické masáži.  😛 

17 ledna, 2024 18:34
Reply to  Sktr

Tak já chtěl vždycky to nejlepší, tak beru Mix. 😂

17 ledna, 2024 20:14
Reply to  alex_murphy

Co si nepochopil prosím?? Mix už asi rok stojí 2200kc v akci, která je na hlavní stránce v Akcích. 2400kc stojí 60min pussycat.
Tak nevím co měl za masáž.Já u toho nebyla a jelikož Lexy měla nohu v sádře a v prosinci pracovala jen jeden den, tak už taky neví.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️Takže tady asi nepomohu🤔

17 ledna, 2024 21:25
Reply to  Daniella

Já to chápu naprosto jasně:
1900 = Klasická erotická masáž
2200 = Masáž Infinity Mix v akci
2400 = Klasická masáž 1900 + 500 za Pussycat
2700 = Infinity Mix 2200 + 500 za Pussycat

Já jen nechápu, proč rezolutně píšeš, že Pussycat je za 2400 – jakoby nebyla jiná varianta, přitom na webu Infinity taková položka nikde neexistuje.

Jediná zmínka o Pussycatu je v reklamním banneru na titulní stránce a tam je napsáno: „Nový druh masáže Pussycat! K vybraným masážím pouze za 500 Kč“

Last edited 11 měsíců před by alex_murphy
18 ledna, 2024 08:21
Reply to  alex_murphy

Dobrý ráno.Jà se omlouvám, nemělo to takto vyznit. Já to jen myslela tak, že za tuhle cenu znám jedině pussycat.A na webu to není uvedeno, jen + 500kc k masáži. Tak jsem to napsala tak, jak jsem zvyklá z provozu 🤷‍♀️.
Tak se nezlob ❤️

Last edited 11 měsíců před by Daniella
18 ledna, 2024 00:41

Za me je to další smyšlená recenze. Typek píše, ze to bylo v prosinci a Lexy měla zlomenou nohu.

Budeme rádi za tvůj názor, napiš komentářx