Facial (COF with glasses) ?
Hi everyone. I’m visiting Prague in next couple months and I’m wondering if you guys can help me please.
I’m looking for some girls ( younger better) who will let me do COF ( facial ) and will be wearing glasses
Thanks for all suggestions
Hi, most girls that do CIM will let you do facial, but usualy they don’t wear glasses. I know only one that is wearing them during sex and that is https://www.tapky.info/?4028,vasniva-verca-veronika-privat-731-810-342-731810342
Other options are that can either bring your glasses and ask the girl to wear them or you can call for booking and ask them if it whould be possible to have them ready.
As for young girls who would let you do facials for sure that I know Paula, Tamara (both around 21) from Top privat, Lusy or Kim from privat albertov.
Thanks a lot, really appreciate your help