Nikkol Rabbit Hall
Let me talk a bit for me of a total disorganisation of this parlor.
After contacting the manager, i ask for a session with Nikol B2B with dance in extra. No problem he told me.
I came in the new place. Certainly not the first time for me and i know when a girl is in a positive attitude. It was not the case. She introduce my in the room, but when i asked for the dance, she took me for a dumb. She let me think that she had a pain in her leg and can not dance !!
If a girl can make a sportive massage, she can also move a bit for a dance in extra. After contacting the manager, he say he can not force her. Where is the respect of the client there ? Even if Nikol does not do that in her profile, why he accept my proposition !! In this situation i just left and go for a real sex experience for less that a massage price.
I let a negative comment of the girl because of a bad liar and a cold attitude during this short contact !
Hi Jeane, thanks for your review to Nikol from Rabbit Hall. Sorry but i have to respond you. Where is your respect for girl? It must have been very annoying if a girl refuses you in any additional service you should be a gentleman. Nikol is nice girl not a thing. And that you are complaining about the additional service of the salon manager whole massage? It’s really disgusting! So you threw the whole experience into the toilet. For you and for masseuse…I understand you may like it as an erotic foreplay dance … but if he’s not in the mood for that, you shouldn’t demand it. This is erotic massage and not eg. Moulin Rouge cabaret in Paris or ping pong show in Pattaya etc….! Ah man… believe me, Nikol is one of the top of masseuse in Prague and most of us are happy for it. Her strengths are elsewhere … Are you either an old slimy old man who can’t try a partial rejection or I don’t understand why you go for erotic massages?
Souhlasím. Ještě když má v profilu “privátní tanec” přeškrtnutý je nesmysl to od ni vyžadovat.
Chudák holka musela mít trauma na cely den.

ja bych to s traumatem nedramatizoval, pro holky jsou daleko horší uchylové, které něco zkouší proti jejich vůli na masážích případně nějaký stalking a tak, z toho se ty holky musí sebrat když se s tím potkaji … tohle přijde další klient co je v pohodě a zapomene na to.
Oooh. I suppose you must work in this parlor to talk me like this. It’s not because i ask for a service that the parlor propose that i take the girl for a thing !!! Where is the respect for the client !!
For me, if the girl does not like his job, she just has to find another job !!!
You just don’t understand the problem. Here the manager say ok but the girl refuse. You can imegine the atmospher during the massage if i finally accept to continue.
I don’t blame the girl but only the manager and his organisation !!!.
If you blame me because i choose a dance, you can blame every client here because they choose to get a sex or pussycat massage !!
I do agree with you Jeanne. A manager propose you a service and finally can not be executed. You just wasted your time and as client, it’s not a reliable parlor. I suppose finally it’s a problem of communication from the manager and the girl. Unfortunately, it seems that just money is important and not the service !!
I’m really not their employee. You should have looked at the profile of the masseuse where she does not offer this service. Unless they changed the site after this incident. I admit the manager tricked you. But wanting dance a masseuse who is really good by the way was not your best decision. She must have turned you down politely.
She did not reply me politely. She lied to me. Instead of saying politely “ Excuse me sir, but i do not like dancing and do not propose this service, you can see on the site „, she just lied to me with a so-called leg problem !! You said the manager tricked me ( the girl tricked me also by lying !!), is it normal ??? It’s just not professional !!!
So maybe she wasn’t in the mood, she’s human too. Or somehow you didn’t sit down. I understand that you feel cheated, but you have to admit that he is human. When I was at Nikol’s, I can’t say anything wrong, she was one of the best I’ve ever had in erotic massages.
No ja bych to takto typka je důležity tanec který mu byl přislíben a nikol ho nechtěla dělat, otočka je za mne v pořádku.u toho jak to probihalo sem nebyl a mělo by to probíhat v e stylu gentlemanskoho vysvětleni, neměl bych osobně potrebu zatahovat do toho manažera protože si tak nepomohu…To že bacove v salonech nejsou žádný svatý a holky nejsou rady když jim odejde klient je snad jasné…Můj styl to není ale měl to nechat u otočky a třeba recenzi na salon, že to někdo ze salonu přislíbí i vsouvislosti když vy pisite že to má škrtly tak to prostě ten na telefonu napsal s cílem hlavne ho tam ono to nedopadlo… Mělo by to být i poučení pro salon neslibovat extras zvlast když to slečna nedělá.
So basically she saved your money and you had dance and sex at a different place. I would say it is win win for you
Next time don’t bother with the massage and go directly for a sex, so you will save also time.