Ema – Mazlive studentky
I visited a new girl – Ema – at Mazlive Studentky today, my favourite privat in Prague.
Ema’s profile is promising: girls‘ pictures of this privat are always reliable and Ema’s pics look good. The breast size scoring a tasty 4 is attractive indeed.
The only review for Ema was a bit of a mixed one: I was encouraged that our fellow completed successfully his mission anyway, so I decided to give it a go. This privat was the only one which never gave me bad experiences in 4 years after all, it deserves it.
However the visit appeared destined to be a very negative one from the very first minutes.
Ema’s attitude is completely misaligned from the usual style of Mazlive Studentky.
I am used to their very professional, relaxed, friendly approach. With Ema the story was different: I was put under pressure and in a rush from the first minutes.
Fortunately I only agreed 1/2 with no extras, as I smelled what was going to happen.
Once paid, immediately: „Go to the shower. NOW“.
I took a quick shower, led to the room, the lady goes for her … shower and returns after 30 (thirty) seconds.
Not even the time to lay in bed, her hands were already on the soldier. Not a word, not a smile, not an attempt of eye contact, nothing. And it’s ok, it can happen.
I try to connect a bit, I ask her „are you tired“. The careless reply is yes, with a big annoyed sigh.
I really need to get some more interaction, so I try to caress Ema and to lean towards her. But no.
Immediately I was pushed back down: „stay there“ said the lady, while pointlessly beating the poor and resigned soldier.
After a minute of this routine I dare to feel a bit bored. The annoyed lady: „so? why are you looking around?“
I ask her „are you stressed?“
„No!“ she replies.
She is completely careless of what she is doing, so I ask her again „are you stressed“?
„I said no! I am not stressed!“ burst the rude lady.
Tired of this attitude, after 2 minutes of miserable encounter, I decide it is enough: I tell her to stop and I get up from the bed to retrieve my things.
Confused and annoyed, the lady tells me to go back, she has to finish her job.
I say: „This is not your job. Change“
Eventually resigned and annoyed, she escorts me to the door, for a last ice-cold bye.
Similar episodes happened in the past with one or two ladies in other privats in Prague. And that is the reason that I do not visit those privats anymore. My concern now is that if even a very well established business like MS embarks this sort of attitudes, then it makes no sense to even try new girls.
I do not reccomend Ema and I would not repeat.